Drainage sheets are protective layers for water insulation materials. Water insulation materials and applications could be expensive and very hard to repair when needed. It is necessary to protect water insulation materials by drainage sheets to reduce the repairing or changing costs in the future.
IZO drain is a high-density (HDPE) based insulation protection and drainage material. It creates an air gap between the ground and the structure components in order to let the structure breath, drain the water safely thanks to its blistered structure and ensure resistance to loads and impacts during and after filling thanks to its highly mechanical specifications. It is economical and easy to apply.
It is safe solution for the water problem in all structure projects. Izodrain drainage plates are used for protecting the insulation in water insulation applications.
• Protects the foundation wall against moist.
• Ensures an insulation resistant to water and environmental factors.
• Ensures safe drainage for underground and crack waters in underground barrier and heavy constructions.